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Caring Hands aim is to help the most vulnerable people in the community by advocating for their basic human rights. We believe every person should have an adequate standard of living, have food, access to health care, feel safe, education and be able to gain employment. To increase awareness of these topics we have held workshops and worked with local councils to provide our beneficiaries with information relevant to their situations which can have a positive impact on their lives. Some of the areas we worked on during the last year are:


Child Abuse/Child Protection


Caring Hands helped to form 4 Child Protection Committees in the Wakiso District to support the community deal with child abuse cases. The roles of the committees was to help sensitise the communities about their roles in helping to eliminate child abuse and offer training in protection skills. Over the last year we have continued to work alongside these Committees, local community leaders, teachers and caregivers to provide advice continuing to help stop child abuse throughout various communities. Our teams identified 27 cases of child abuse in 2016, the abusers were reported to the authorities and police and 16 of these cases have since been processed.



Birth Certificates


Most of the vulnerable children on our project suffer some form of rejection from their families and their communities as their parents are in doubt. We worked alongside Kira Municipal Council record department to help reduce some of the vulnerability by legally registering and receiving over 230 birth certificates for OVC on our program.



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